Papatoetoe High School Enrolment for 2025
In-Zone Enrolments
In-Zone Enrolments for 2025 are online now and can be accessed via our school website. Please click Enrolments for 2025 to enroll a student.
If you are enrolling your child for school year 2024 please use the in-zone 2024 paper form that is found on our website or at our main reception.
Out of Zone Enrolments
Due to our recent, and significant, roll growth, we are only accepting applications for category 1 and 2 out of zone enrolments for 2025.
Category 1 - students accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school (for example, ORS funded students)
Category 2 - siblings of current students
International Student Enrolments
To be eligible to study in New Zealand, an international student requires an offer of place from the school to apply for a foreign fee-paying student visa or hold a short-term visitor visa. Prospective international students apply online here.
For further information, please contact
We are not able to guarantee a place for 2025 for any out of zone applications, as the enrolment landscape is very challenging currently. We will make a decision on the quantity of Category 1 and Category 2 applications that we accept following the closing date for applications and once we have a clearer understanding of our in-zone application numbers.
The school's scheme is designed with the following objectives.
i To avoid overcrowding in the school
ii To recognise the significance of our historical home zone
iii To provide opportunities for enrolment, where possible, to those not living in the stated home zone.
The board will delegate to the principal the authority to act as the board's agent in the decision-making process though the board reserves the right to examine any special circumstances and make its own judgement.
The enrolment scheme
Home zone enrolment
The zonal boundaries set out in the appendix, provide a home zone for enrolments. Any student whose current place of
residence is in this home zone is entitled as of right to enrol at the school at any time. Proof of residence in the home zone will be required.
Out of zone enrolments
There will be no automatic right of entry for any student living outside the home zone. However, the board will make available out of zone places of a number such that the optimum school roll will not be exceeded or appear likely to be exceeded at the time the decision is made. The board will publish this information by notice in the local newspaper. The notice will include how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.
Application for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:
First priority will be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in the following special programmes run by the school and approved by the Secretary for Education: (i) Richards Centre for students with physical disabilities and (ii) programme for refugee students.
Second priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the secretary under the Education and Training Act 2020. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.
Special Programmes
The school operates the following special programmes – (i) Richards Centre for students with physical disabilities and (ii) programme for refugee students. Students who live within the school's home zone and meet the criteria for enrolment in the special programmes will be enrolled ahead of out of zone students.
The number of out of zone refugee students and new enrolments into the Richards' Centre will be determined on an annual basis.
Selection Criteria for Richards Centre.
1. The student has a physical disability that is likely to prevent them from accessing the curriculum without receiving specialist support.
2. The student is able to be mainstreamed to some extent.
3. The student requires two or more of the specialist therapies provided.
4. The student is verified as Transitional, High or Very High Needs under the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme.
Selection Criteria for Refugee Students
1. An out of zone refugee student will only be accepted if there are other refugee students from the same country already in the school.
2. The student is able to be mainstreamed.
Students who meet the above criteria and live in-zone have priority in enrolment. The principal will determine the number of places available and whether the applicants meet the selection criteria. If the number of applicants who meet the selection criteria exceeds the number of places available, then these applicants will be considered by an enrolment committee. The enrolment committee is made up of:
The principal
The teacher in charge of the Richards Centre/teacher in charge of ESOL
The staff representative on the board of trustees
The enrolment committee will base its decisions on:
1. The degree to which the student meets the criteria as listed.
2. The transport needs of the student.
3. The availability of other schooling for the student.
4. The student's academic ability.
5. The student's record of behaviour, co-operation and effort.