Papatoetoe High School is fully committed to embracing the digitally fluent culture of the 21st century and we understand the importance of enabling learners to achieve through individualised student centred and authentic learning opportunities. The use of personal devices will expose our students to endless opportunities, allowing them to become confident and fluent digital citizens in a forever changing landscape.
We still believe that it is important for students to use pen and paper. The digital device will be used to support learning by allowing students to use online resources such as Office 365, Google Classroom, digital learning artefacts, and ClassNote (to name but a few). The integration of digital technology continues to have a transformative effect on learning in the classroom and outside. Ensuring your son or daughter has an adequate device is very important and requires consideration of many factors: price, battery life, processing speed (processor plus RAM), and software requirements. As technology is evolving and ever-changing, we will review our requirements and recommendations each year to give parents the opportunity to purchase a device that will best support student learning and last for the majority (if not all) of their son’s/daughter’s time school. To assist parents and caregivers in buying a suitable device at a price that is competitive, we have established a relationship with three suppliers, PB Technologies, Harvey Norman and Noel Leeming. The devices information is listed below.
Finance options will be available as well as insurance and maintenance solutions through each provider. You are free to purchase your device from wherever you wish.
Device Information
BYOD for students year 9 to 13
Students attending our school are requested to bring their own device to school. As a school, we request that this device meets a list of minimum specifications. Please see the list below for the minimum requirements for devices at our school.
Please visit this page for updates.
Operating System-Microsoft Windows 10
Processor-Intel Core i3 Minimum
Main Memory (RAM)-4 GB minimum
Hard Disk Drive-200 GB minimum
Solid State Drive-128 GB minimum
External Ports-2 USB ports minimum
Wireless Adapter-Wi-Fi compatible-Required Specification
Wifi AC Compatible (dual band wifi)
Security-Up to date Anti-Virus
Battery-4-6 hrs battery life
Casing-Durable casing with keyboard
You can purchase a device from any retail provider.
If you have any queries or concerns around BYOD please contact us via:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Where do we get information about what devices are available?
A. At present, go to any of the providers that we have listed and ask for their recommended devices. Tell them which school you will be attending and they will know which devices to recommend for you.
Q. What do we do if the device gets damaged or lost?
A. It is a really good idea to take out insurance for your child's device, as this will take away any stress if damage or loss happens. Check with the providers about insurance options that they offer. Some offer to give you a spare device while you wait for yours to be fixed.
Q. How will my child charge their device at school?
A. The expectation is that all students come to school with their device already charged.
Q. Where will my child keep their device during the day?
A. We recommend that your child keeps the device with them during the day and ensures that they have a robust case and school bag to cater for this.
Q. How are the school going to approach the safe us of these devices in class?
A. The E-Learning team have been ensuring that both staff and students are equipped with resources and knowledge to support BYOD at Papatoetoe High School. This includes the sharing of teaching materials around the safe use of devices and our behavioural expectations around digital technology in our school.
Q. What do we do if we have concerns or questions about BYOD that are not answered here?
A. Please contact our team at if you have any other queries or concerns.