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Te Whānau o Te Rautoetoe


How we can support students and whānau and what we do in the school 

Tēnā koutou katoa. My name is Apirana Waru and I am the Pou Arataki Māori of our kura (Head/Dean of Te Whanau o Te Rautoetoe). As such, it is my role to support and guide our kura in all areas of kaupapa and tikanga Māori and provide pastoral care and support to Māori students and their whānau.“He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata”- Mauriora.


How we prefer students and whanau to get in touch

​Whanau and students can email us by clicking on the email box on this page.

Students can also contact me through Teams.

Whanau can also get in touch by phone using our school contact number 09 278 4086

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